病人关系是在这里帮助确保您的经验与UCSF健康是一个良好的. 如果您或您的家人对您的护理有任何疑问或担忧,请告诉我们. 我们建议您首先与您的护士、部门经理和十大赌博平台排行榜讨论您的担忧. If they remain unresolved, 病人关系部门的工作人员或护理主管可以帮助你达成解决方案或提供更多信息.
Patient Relations
Contact us
How to submit feedback
To submit a complaint, compliment or other feedback, complete our online feedback form, or email or fax the Patient Visitor Report Form to Patient Relations.
Our hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. On weekends and holidays, 请致电十大赌博平台排行榜接线员(415)476-1000与护理主管联系.
Joint Commission
如果你觉得你对病人护理和安全的担忧没有得到加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的充分解决, please contact the Joint Commission Office of Quality Monitoring.
Phone: (800) 994-6610
Joint Commission Online submission form
You also can write to:
Joint Commission
Office of Quality Monitoring
One Renaissance Blvd.
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Patient Safety and Rights
Patient Privacy
UCSF Health is committed to protecting your medical information. 了解我们在使用和披露您的医疗信息方面的权利和义务, please see the following:
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Aviso de Prácticas de Privacidad
- 隱私細則通知
- Уведомление О Порядке Использования И Защиты Личных Данных
Patient Rights
For information about patient rights, visit Hospital Policies or see our Patient Rights and Responsibilities Booklet.
UCSF welcomes service animals. Find out more below.
Patient Safety
For information about patient safety, visit Patient Safety or see our Patient Safety Booklet.
要报告患者安全问题,请随时拨打患者安全热线(415)353-8787. Information may be submitted anonymously.
Nondiscrimination and Sexual Misconduct
UCSF健康致力于以尊重和尊严对待每个社区成员的原则. 了解更多十大赌博平台排行榜对不歧视的承诺,以及患者如何报告在临床环境中经历的性行为不端, please visit How to Report Sexual Harassment and Notice of Nondiscrimination.
Accessibility Information
加州大学旧金山分校致力于为所有患者提供公平的机会和合理的住宿, visitors and companions. 免费提供合理的住宿和辅助服务. To request any of these, 询问您的护理团队成员或联系患者关系(以上联系信息).
Learn more about Accessibility Resources at UCSF.
Frequently Asked Questions About Service Animals
- What is the definition of a service animal?
《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》(ADA)和加州大学旧金山分校健康中心将服务性动物定义为单独训练为残疾人工作或执行特定任务的狗或迷你马. 精神病服务动物(PSA)也包括在这一定义中,因为它们也受过训练,可以执行减轻人类伴侣精神残疾的任务.
- Are service animals allowed in the hospital and clinics?
Yes, 十大赌博靠谱网络平台服务性动物(狗)陪同他们的训导员到加州大学旧金山分校向公众开放的临床区域.
- Are service animals welcome in all areas in the hospital or clinic?
No, 一般的规则是,服务性动物被允许出现在病房和十大赌博平台排行榜的其他任何地方,公众和病人都可以. The specific areas excluded, for safety reasons, are operating rooms, pre- and post-operative areas, and we reserve the right to deny access to intensive care units, and any other areas that require a protected environment. In these areas, 最终决定将由这些地区的提供者和护士做出,以验证它对狗来说是安全的.
- Why are you asking me questions about my animal?
In order to distinguish between service dogs and non-service dogs, 根据《十大赌博平台排行榜》,我们可以问你两个问题:(1)这只狗是否因为残疾而需要成为服务性动物? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? 具体的回应是必需的,并帮助我们在我们的动物作为您的服务犬的文件.
- What about therapy or emotional support/comfort animals?
《十大赌博平台排行榜》对服务性动物的定义不包括治疗或情感支持/安慰动物. 我们要求病人把除服务性动物以外的所有动物都留在家里. 请注意,此规则仅适用于加州大学旧金山分校的患者区域,不适用于其他领域(学术领域), research, housing) of UCSF. For those areas, please consult http://policies.ucsf.edu/policy/550-19 for more information. If accommodations are needed related to other areas of the University, 请致电(415)476-2621与残疾管理服务部联系,以获得互动过程中的帮助.
- What if I am too sick to take care of my dog, will staff help?
工作人员被禁止照顾有病人的服务犬,《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》规定,服务犬必须由训犬员或训犬员指定的人照顾. 如果你不能照顾你的动物,也不能找到一个人来协助照顾动物, SF Animal Care & 在您入住期间,控制中心将要求将动物转移到安全的环境.
- 我见过养狗的人戴着标识,表明它们是“设施犬”或“情感支持犬”, why are they allowed?
UCSF Health, which includes UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals, 是否有专门的项目,包括训练有素的治疗犬与它们的训导员或加州大学旧金山分校的工作人员一起来访,为病人提供安慰. 这些项目分别由儿童生活服务中心和志愿者服务中心管理.
- 陪我去加州大学旧金山分校,服务犬还需要具备哪些十大赌博靠谱网络平台呢?
Your dog must always be well behaved and under your control,不得对工作人员或供应商表现出任何攻击性,必须干净整洁.
- I have to be admitted to the hospital, can my service dog visit me?
Yes, 我们认识到你和你的服务犬之间的纽带是重要的,一旦你的提供者确保你和你单位的其他病人不会受到伤害, that visit can be arranged. Your dog can even stay with you, but must have a caretaker who can feed, toilet, 去遛狗因为住院期间你不能离开十大赌博平台排行榜.
- Does my service dog have to be on a leash?
The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, 或者在公共场所系上绳子,除非这些设备干扰了服务性动物的工作,或者您的残疾使您无法使用这些设备. 在这种情况下,你必须使用声音、信号或其他有效的手段来保持对动物的控制.